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We are an independent charity run Nursery, established since the 1960's.


Ofsted  rated GOOD in 2018

Munchkins Nursery is a unique home from home setting for children aged 4 months to 5 years, throughout the year and up to 11 years in the holiday club


We have a large setting with spacious garden. 

Three Room's

Babies (under 2)

Toddlers (2-3)

Pre school (3 and over)

We follow a yearly Curriculum and this years theme is ALL ABOUT ME


Our Ethos

  • We will provide a safe, caring happy environment

  • We will value and respect all children, parents, carers and staff.

  • We have a commitment to lifelong learning for everyone.

  • We believe children learn through investigation, exploration and play.

Here at Munchkins Nursery we value every child’s individual learning journey and believe that children make progress through high levels of adult and child interaction, involvement and exploratory play.  Pupil Premium will be used for targeted intervention to enhance teaching and learning within the Nursery.

What you should expect at our setting:

  • Caring loving, experienced staff

  • A warm welcome

  • High quality resources

  • An environment that has been designed to inspire your child while providing a nurturing soothing experience

  • Spacious flexible space for your child to enjoy

  • large outside play area

  • Healthy Snacks

  • Lots of high quality staff to parent communication

  • Access to a wide range of experiences including, sensory, creative, challenging, experimenting as well as time to relax and express themselves.

Each child is an individual and we believe that they should all have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

We feel that it is important to learn through play and we use the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage and the seven area of learning to provide a fun, stimulating and challenging environment that is flexible across the full age range of our children.


We value your input and we like parents to work closely with us to ensure that your child feels at home with us.

We record your child's progress through pictures and observations in our "learning journeys" This shows memorable moments at home and in the nursery. Prior to starting your child is offered a show around and a two hour free settle to come and meet the staff and familiarise both you and your child with the routines.

Session times

From 7.30am-6pm at an hourly rate instead of sessions

Opening  times: 

We close for two weeks between Christmas and the new year and the week of the August bank holiday. We also shut all bank holidays.

Government funded session are funded for the school term times only unless stretched over the year. Sessions need to be booked in advance and all booked session must be paid for. You will be charged for the full calendar month in advance and any changes to this will be made in the following month. Payment is preferred directly into the bank account. We can offer flexible start and collection times  to suit your family requirements. Early starts (7.30) can be booked in advance.


The following activities are always available:

  • Creative experiences such as mark making, crafting, painting. Sand

  • Home play and role play areas ( mark making available in all areas)

  • Mathematical area to enable counting sorting tracing , rulers , tape measures, number activities

  • Computer and programmable toys

  • Writing and drawing in a variety of ways

  • Book corner which also contains soft toys and games

  • Outside play

  • Construction toys

  • Small world toys

  • loose parts play

The weekly planning is done through planned activities and in the moment planning.

What you need to provide to keep at nursery.

  • Spare sets of clothes 

  • Changing items if necessary  including nappies, wipes, sun cream and sunhat

  • Pair of Wellington boots and winter hat

  • Coat 

  • lunchbox (we provide snacks at 10&2)

We support all children to make progress in all areas of learning. (Please see our SEN Policy for further information). Munchkins Nursery follows the “Code of Practice” to support children with ‘Special Educational Needs’.

Additional Support for Children:

We support all children to achieve their full potential and use the expertise of you the parent alongside other professionals to support all children.  

If you have any questions about additional needs or supporting your child’s development please speak to Charlotte Alison SENCO

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